Sunday, July 03, 2005


...como a brisa fresca, sopro que o mar expira pela manhã cedo
...como o toque da tua carícia na minha pele
...como o vento a percorrer cada fio de cabelo
...como um segredar, um suspiro bem junto ao ouvido
...como fechar os olhos e lembrar a palavra adoro-te

In your eyes I can see that you're cracking up
In your eyes I can see that you've had enough
and It pains my head

In your eyes I can see that you're cracking up
(what If It would just)
and It pains my head
In your eyes I can see that you fell In love
(what If It would just)
and It pains my head
In your eyes I can see-come Into me
(what If It would just come Into me)
and It pains my head

I'm In thIs love, I'm In
I'm In thIs love, I'm In thIs love
I'm In thIs love, I'm In
I'm In thIs love, I'm In thIs love

why should I wait, maybe I fall.
(turn the radio, turn the radio on now)
love Isn't waiting for me.

What If It all were to change love?
I thought It would.

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